Every person deserves to have access to healthcare.

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We focus on providing access to care through health insurance enrollment, patient education, and advocacy.

I am an adult over the age of 50 years old, what are my health insurance options? Click for more information.
If you are 50 years of age or older, you could be eligible for Medi-Cal. Find out more…

Medi-Cal has expanded their full scope coverage to undocumented adults between ages 26-49 years old. Click here for more…

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Health Coverage and Care is NOT a Public Charge.

Community Health Initiative (CHI) provides access to health coverage and care for everyone. This work has not and is not considered a public charge and your immigration status does not change this. We are united with our community, to ensure you have access to the health coverage and care you deserve.


Community Health Initiative (CHI) brinda acceso a cobertura y atención médica para todos. Este trabajo no ha sido ni es considerado una carga pública y su estatus migratorio no cambia esto. Estamos unidos con nuestra comunidad para garantizar que tenga acceso a la cobertura médica y la atención que se merece.  > Contact Us